NaLette Brodnax

Python & Statistics Bootcamp - Summer 2018

Home Student Projects

Data Wrangling


  • version control with git
  • data structures, indexing
  • working with arrays
  • array attributes, methods, and functions
  • mathematical operations
  • summary statistics


Version Control with Git

Before the workshop

  1. Check whether you already have Git.

    Windows: From the command prompt, run git --version

    Mac: From the Terminal, run git --version

    If git is already installed, you will get a response with the version number, e.g., git version 2.15.1. If not, proceed with the following steps.

  2. Install Git by following these instructions for your operating system.
  3. From these instructions, Complete the sections First-Time Git Setup and Your Identity

Basic workflow

  1. Create a repository with a README on Github
  2. On your computer, use the command line to clone the repository

    git clone<your_github_username>/<your_repository_name>.git

  3. Create a new files or make changes to an existing file
  4. Add the names of any files or directories that you want to ignore to your .gitignore file (creating the file if necessary)
  5. When you want to record a snapshot, add the file to the staging area

    git add <filename>

  6. Check the status of the repository to make sure the file is properly staged

    git status

  7. Commit your changes and include a description of the changes

    git commit -m "<short description of changes"

  8. When you want to update your remote repository, push the changes to Github

    git push origin master


